Social Programme

Our social classes are the perfect way to enjoy dancing without structured syllabus or exams.

They are a great way to meet different students as these classes combine children from both our recreational and development programmes.

A typical class starts with a warmup, followed by learning choreography from a routine. This style of learning can be more challenging in some genres so we do advise dancers take at least one technical class during the week to help their foundations.


This is an approximate age guide for each level, however, we work with children case by case in this programme. The ages are very broad to allow for different abilities.

Junior Social Classes6 – 10yrs
Open Social Classes10 – 18yrs
Advanced Social Classes13 – 18yrs


Students in this programme are free to dress how they like with a few guidelines. For Apparatus classes they must have leggings on. For hip hop they must have street shoes and for heels they must have black chorus heels


Children in these classes have one performance opportunity per year. If they join a performance squad then they have additional opportunities within the in-house comps each term.

June 14th & 15th – Mid Year Showcase (Silhouette Studios Theatre)


Term Fees are invoiced one month prior to the start of each term and are expected to be fully paid by the first week of classes. No refunds after the first lesson.

Social Programme Fees
One Class per week$120+gst per term
Two Classes per week$235+gst per term
Three Classes per week$340+gst per term
Four Classes per week$435+gst per term
Five Classes per week$520+gst per term
Six Classes per week$595+gst per term
Seven Classes per week$660+gst per term
Eight Classes per week$715+gst per term
Performance Squad (Competitive Dance)$280+gst per year
Production Fee if required (invoiced in Term Two)$20+gst
Costume Hire Fee if required (invoiced in Term Two)$30+gst